You need nothing more for a magical hug than our Plush Unicorn Snoozimals™. This gorgeous toy is sure to become your new best friend for any time of the day you need a huggable, snuggable moment! Made from high quality fabric for many years of love, you'll never want to put it down. Don't forget to look at the rest of our range and you could collect your very own Snoozimals™
Player Information
Age of Players: 3 to 99 YearsNumber of Players: 1 to 2Skill Level: BeginnerTime to Learn: Information Not Available minutesTime to Play: Information Not Available minutesSmall Piece Choking Hazard: No Battery Details:
Batteries Included: Not RequiredBattery Details: 0 NAAdditional Batteries: 0 NAAdditional Information:
Publisher: Go! Games
Item ID: 852069006987
Packaging Dimensions: 6" X 8"
Language: English