Snoozimals are here These huggable extremely soft animals are sure to become your new best friend. Each Snoozimal is 20 inches long and super soft to the touch. Snoozimals make the perfect companion for bedtime or afternoon snuggles and naps. So irresisti
Player Information
Age of Players: 3 to 99 YearsNumber of Players: 1 to 1Skill Level: BeginnerTime to Learn: Information Not Available minutesTime to Play: Information Not Available minutesSmall Piece Choking Hazard: No Battery Details:
Batteries Included: Not RequiredBattery Details: 0 NAAdditional Batteries: 0 NAAdditional Information:
Publisher: Go! Games
Item ID: 810012163545
Packaging Dimensions: 16.8" X 10.5"
Language: English