LumieWorld is the maker of LumiPets®, the most technologically innovative kid's companion, and educational night light offered on the market today. With its changing lights and modes, LumiPets® offers all-day play, engaging color learning, and hours of endless fun! Rechargeable, washable, remote control or tap light changing feature, portable and squishable fun. Offers kids color flow and remote control technology with 9 color flow modes, a sleep timer, and a rechargeable battery that lasts up to 72 hours depending on the color mode. Great night light and a comforting companion. Dishwasher safe.-Remote or tap touch-9 color flow-Rechargeable up to 72 hours depending on color flow mode
Player Information
Age of Players: 0 to 12 MonthsNumber of Players: 1 to 1Skill Level: BeginnerTime to Learn: Information Not Available minutesTime to Play: Information Not Available minutesSmall Piece Choking Hazard: No Battery Details:
Batteries Included: YesBattery Details: 1 RechargeableAdditional Batteries: 0 NAAdditional Information:
Publisher: Lumieworld
Item ID: 860003567364
Packaging Dimensions: 7.5" X 5"
Language: English